CaseStudy NewRelic

New Relic is a software analytics company that delivers real-time insights to more than 1 million users and 13,000 paid business accounts over its multi-tenant SaaS platform, the New Relic Software Analytics Cloud. New Relic needed to connect data mined from a new technology platform to Marketo, so they could fine-tune marketing messages and offer targeted services to prospects.

DemandGen created a web hook to connect Marketo to Datanyze, to provide access to technographic data. When a site visitor completes an action on the New Relic site, the web hook pings Datanyze, which sends data about the technologies the prospect used to access the web content back into Marketo. With this insight, New Relic can communicate with prospects specifically about what technologies they’re using with targeted campaigns and messaging. With access to strategic thinking around developing hard hitting, targeted nurture campaigns, New Relic improved its average open rate by 32.8% and generated $251.9k in pipeline activity with the first send following implementation.

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