Episode #166

May 19, 2020 David Lewis, DemandGen.com

A strong organizational structure is key to maximizing revenue growth. In this series, Carlos Hidalgo and I take you through all areas of The D3 Methodology - a model for redefining demand generation and better positioning marketing as a critical revenue-driving function.

In episode 2 of this series, we’re diving into the importance of building the right teams and eliminating organizational silos. Tune in as we cover why now is the time to really focus on transforming and redefining how your teams operate, why it’s essential for sales and marketing to be aligned, and how to design an organizational structure focused around your buyers and their needs.

Take a look at these resources mentioned in the podcast:

The D3 Methodology: https://bit.ly/3aOjwYz

Accountability chart: https://bit.ly/2zLnJzI 


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In this series, Carlos Hidalgo and I take you through all areas of The D3 Methodology - a model for redefi...

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