Episode #46

There’s another technology universe just behind the MarTech universe. It’s called SalesTech. The person who knows it best is Nancy Nardin, Founder of Smart Selling Tools. Nancy covers the SalesTech space and advises sales tool developers on their go-to-market strategy and even categorizes these tools on her website (www.smartsellingtools.com). She has been in sales her entire career, starting in the early 80’s in Silicon Valley selling the world’s first laptop, GRiD Systems. She had to figure out how to sell $12,000 laptops that weighed a ton and even had a handle to carry it like luggage. Imagine that. Nancy likes to say that laptops launched the SalesTech space giving rise to CRM and even presentation tools like PowerPoint. Fast-forward to today and there are hundreds of SalesTech tools. Listen now as Nancy and David share their predictions on how these two universes will collide and become known as RevTech.

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About the Author

David Lewis

For more than 20 years, CEO David Lewis has been a pioneering innovator in digital marketing, and has overseen marketing for some of Silicon Valley’s leading technology firms. David and his team at DemandGen have been at the forefront of the transformation taking place in marketing by helping 100’s of the top sales and marketing teams around the world incorporate marketing technology to drive predictable and sustainable growth. David is an accomplished speaker, thought leader, host of DemandGen Radio, and author of the #1 book on lead management Manufacturing Demand.

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