“Double your Inquiry-to-Close Rate with Next Generation Demand Funnel”

Jaspersoft is a software vendor that provides open source solutions for data visualization, reporting and analytics. Using careful data analysis for each funnel stage along with capacity-based lead assignment, service level agreements, lead recycling and franchise plans, its inquiry-to-close rate increased from 0.6% to 1.2% in a year. Here, Jim Bell, CMO of Jaspersoft, will share with you how to get the most bang for your buck without a big team or budget, by taking advantage of strategic partners and technologies.

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How Five9 Doubled Their Lead Volume & Added $8.6M Annually Using Leadspace
How Five9 Doubled Their Lead Volume & Added $8.6M Annually Using Leadspace

Gain insight into how Five9 implemented Leadspace to double their lead volume.

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Just Add Data: The Path to Better Marketing Results
Just Add Data: The Path to Better Marketing Results

Kathy Macchi, our DemandGen data and analytics expert, will share the six principles and recommendations fo...